Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hired Help

You know as well as I do that it's too hard to find good hired help these days. You just can't let anyone into your home like you could back when people gave a hoot about family values, what with British Nanny Syndrome, Mad Cow Disease and Immigrants.

Luckily, I seem to have found someone who promises to make my humble home that much nicer! Say hello to the newest addition to the family. She told me her name, which made absolutely no sense, so let's call her Lola.

I found Lola on a street corner in Akihabara's Electric Town and I just don't know what I'd do without her. Never has my apartment (think walk-in closet sized) been so lemony fresh. Don't we all wish we had a Lola in our lives?

If so, let me know. I'm willing to sublet.


APH said...

If there are Lola's for sale in Japan then I'm officially considering moving there just for the freaky maid sex. I forgot all about the maid trend: is it a whore costume or is this just a fashion statement?

CHRIS said...

Outstanding work. There's a book here, by the by, into which I think the maid character figures prominently, as does the over-sized crab. Also, your blog (and use of software) has shamed me into the unhappy reminder of my own aborted life-logue (hence the registered pen name). I'll be responding to your email immediately and expecting your future posts to sizzle with that fetishistic jingoism in which you know no equal. Godspeed fair traveler, go with God.