Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Rabble-rousing Rabbits

I found this li'l nugget of sculptural joy as I was prancing through Harajuku. It disturbs me in ways that I care not to mention.

I don't know what it is, nor from whence it came, but I intend to get to the bottom of this wee mystery - with your help!

Feel free to write me our furry friend's vital statistics, such as:

Likes / Dislikes
Hit Points
THACO (for those who know)
Dreams / Aspirations
And anything else you like!

Impossible is nothing - with your help, anything is possible!


Jared said...

That thing looks eerily similar to the rabbit costume in Donnie Darko. Kudos to a young Jake Gyllenhaal for incorporating Japanese culture, much like in Brokeback Mountain.

Crouchers said...


I did some research on this bunny friend and found out that although he appears weak (only 18 hit points and a 10 constitution), his head and ears have a THACO of -5! Good luck with THAT! He also obviously had a Charm Spell cast on him, probably by a Wizard level 18 or higher. In addition, he is chaotic evil, so he's fucking nuts. Watch your back...


Joel said...

I also have researched this rabbit creature and have discovered that he greatly enjoys gummy bears, but STRONGLY dislikes the orange ones. It is highly recommended that you sacrifice a few in a non-Easter bunny costume.