Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Jet Frag

Last week I was having an enlightening conversation with my students about popular Japanese tourist destinations when it came to my attention that Hawaii is a favorite location to spend their meager free time.

I innocently asked them how long it took to fly to Hawaii, not realizing the can of worms that I was preparing to shotgun. Almost as soon as the question flew from my mouth, it dawned on me the implications of said travel time.

The students looked at each other and claimed they had no clue how long the trip would take.


Of course you know how long that flight takes. Does Dec. 7th, 1941 register on your radar? It certainly didn't on ours, but that's no excuse for pretending that your country doesn't know exactly how long it takes to reach our most prime of Pacific real estate.

Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo certainly had a good idea of the timing and I somehow doubt the secret went to the grave with him.

My dear Americans, I'll get to the bottom of this worrying situation, rest assured.

And please take note that nowhere in this e-mail have I made a direct reference to what we all know I'm referencing, and in the name of political correctness and modern day "allies," I'll keep it this way.

Pearl Harbor.


Jared said...

You wouldn't have anything to do with this would you... http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/03/world/asia/03cnd-japan.html?ex=1341115200&en=fd60297fb4e62ea2&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss

Anonymous said...

You should have followed up by asking them how long it takes to boil alive in a radiated lake. I'll be they'd know that answer in no time flat